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I'm interested in learning more about measuredPR.
By combining Al's analytical power with the
discerning eye of human analysis, measuredPR can help businesses
develop a more accurate, nuanced understanding of
their brand's reputation
Introducing PRscore
The PRscore framework developed by measuredPR is a proprietary approach to identifying true brand reputation and communications effectiveness across the broad media landscape
Our proprietary model goes beyond measuring PR based on Volume, Reach and Sentiment of your brand
Our team interprets the data, uncovers underlying trends, and weaves a narrative that merges quantitative and qualitative
With insights derived from our analysis, you can make informed decisions, validate strategies or change tactics
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Stop measuring your PR efforts based on antiquated models, switch to measuredPR
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Q1 2024 Technology Brand Report
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Auto EV Brand Perception Report - Jan. 2025
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